[LANGUAGE] 외국어 매일루틴

[영어]노인 보육원: 차로 모셔다 드려도 괜찮아요<Senior Daycare: I Don't Mind Driving You>/ EBS파워잉글리쉬 중급영어회화 FM라디오영어

돌냥 2024. 2. 16. 22:42

오늘 주제: 제시카는 삼촌 데이비드를 노인 보육원에 차로 태워다 드리겠다고 제안합니다. 삼촌은 복지관에서 자신을 태우고 내려주는 셔틀버스가 있어서 태워 줄 필요가 없다고 말합니다. 

Jessica offers to deive her uncle to the senior daycare center. He tells her he doesn't need a ride because the center has a shuttle bus that picks him up and drops him off. 


<Senior Daycare: I Don't Mind Driving You>

노인 보육원: 차로 모셔다 드려도 괜찮아요



■POWER Dialog

Jessica: What time do you want me to take you to your senior center?


David: They have a shuttle bus that will come by to  pick me up around 11.


Jessica: Oh, that's great. But you know I don't mind driving you from time to time.


David: Oh, Jess, how are you going to hold down a job if you're constantly driving your uncle aroud?


Jessica:  My boss understands.


David: That's good to know. But if you'll excuse me, I have to put on some aftershave and get dressed. Talk later!


제시카: 몇 시에 노인복지관으로 데려다 드릴까요?

데이비드: 거긴 11시쯤 나를 태우러 들르는 셔틀버스가 있어.

제시카: 아, 잘됐네요. 근데 가끔 제가 차로 태워다 드려도 상관없어요.

David: 오, Jess, 삼촌을 계속 태우고 다니면 어떻게 일을 계속 유지할 수 있겠니?

제시카: 제 상사가 이해해 줘요.

데이비드: 그건 좋네. 근데 실례가 안 된다면, 난 애프터셰이브 로션을 바르고 옷도 입어야 해. 나중에 얘기하자!





1. pick someone up : to give someone a ride somewhere ~를 (차에) 태우러 가다


A: Weren't you supposed to pick Jake up from school today?

B: No, it was Tony's turn to do it.

A: 오늘 네가 학교에서 제이크를 데리러 오기로 되어 있지 않았어?

B: 아니, 토니가 할 차례였어.

*supposed to :~하기로 되어있는


You don't pick me up today, so I had to take a taxi to work.

네가 오늘 나를 데리러 오지 않아서 난 택시를 타고 출근해야 했어.



2. from time to time : occasionally; onece in a while 가끔


A: Do you ever talk to Patty, the girl you dated in college?

B: from time to time. Usually around our birthdays.

A: 패티랑 얘기는 하니? 네가 대학에서 사귄 여자애 말이야.

B: 가끔 해. 보통 우리 생일 때쯤.


Famous and important people stay at this hotel from time to time.

유명하고 중요한 사람들이 이 호텔에 가끔 묵는다. 


3. hold down a job : to maintain one's employment 일을 계속 유지하다


A: I got fired today!

B:Again? Why can't you hold down a job for longer than a month?

A: 나 오늘 해고됐어!

B: 또? 넌 왜 한 달 이상 직장을 유지하지 못하는 거야?



When the economy is bad, it is important to be able to hold down a job.

경기가 안 좋을 때는 일자리를 붙잡을 수 있는 것이 중요하다.



■POWER Pattern

If  you'll excuse me,... 실례가 안 된다면,~  / 실례지만, ~

실례지만, 전화 좀 해야겠습니다.

If you'll excuse me, I have to make a phone call.


실례지만, 제가 또 참석해야 할 다른 약속이 있어서요. 

If you'll excuse me, I have another appointment to attend.



■POWER Vocab


constantly mean all the time. When something is happening constantly, there is no break, it is going on every day. The opposite of constantly is never.

constantly는 '항상'을 의미합니다. 어떤 일이 constantly하게 일어나면 쉼이 없으며 매일 지속되는 것입니다. constantly의 반대말은 never입니다.



■POWER Practice

-Our dinner reservation is at 8:00, so pick me up at 7:30.

저녁 예약이 8시니까 7시 30분에 데리러 와요.

-I like to play tennis with my kids from time to time.

저는 가끔 아이들과 테니스 치는 것을 좋아합니다.

-If you don't learn to hold down a job, you won't get anywhere in life.

직장을 유지하는 법을 배우지 않으면 인생에서 아무데도 갈 수 없다(아무것도 얻을 수 없다).
