[영어]헬스장다니다지쳐버렸어<Walking for Exercise : I got Burned Out Going to the Gym>/ 헬스운동번아웃과 관련된 영어표현/ EBS파워잉글리시 POWER ENGLISH 2023년 8월호
방송일자 2023년 8월 3일 목요일
<Walking for Exercise : I got Burned Out Going to the Gym>
운동으로 걷기: 헬스장에 다니다가 지쳤어
■POWER Dialog
Cedrick: Hey, Michelle, I thought you quit going to the gym. Why do you have your workout clothes on?
안녕, 미셸. 네가 헬스장 다니는 걸 그만둔 줄 알았어. 운동복은 왜 입고 있는 거야? (* workout clothes 운동복, 체육복)
Michelle: I decided to walk 10,000 steps a day. I got burned out doing the same workouts all the time.
하루에 만 보를 걷기로 했어. 항상 똑같은 운동을 하는 것에 지쳤거든.
Cedrick: I feel you.
네 마음 이해해.
Michelle: I think it might be easier to stick with it since I can vary my route every day.
매일 경로를 바꿀 수 있어서 걷기를 계속 하는 것이 더 쉬울 수도 있을 것 같아. (*vary [ˈveri; ˈværi] [타동사] (약간)달리 하다(변화를 주다) ; [자동사] (크기, 모양이) 서로 다르다, (상황에 따라) 달라지다)
Cedrick: I’m busy today, but any time you need a walking partner, message me.
오늘은 내가 바쁘지만, 걷기 파트너가 필요하면 언제든지 문자 보내.
Michelle: That sounds great. Though I plan to use my walking time to listen to audiobooks.
좋아. 난 걸을 때 오디오북을 들을 계획이긴 하지만.
1.burned out : overworked or exhausted in relation to daily work or tasks (일상 업무 또는 작업과 관련하여) 과로하거나 지친, 피곤하여 지친 (*exhausted [ɪɡˈzɔːstɪd] [형용사] 기진맥진한, 진이 다 빠진, 탈진한 ; 다 써 버린, 고갈된)
A: Why did Mr. Michaels quit all of the sudden?
Michaels씨는 왜 갑자기 사표를 낸 거예요??
B: He told the CEO that he was burned out from the job and couldn’t do his best anymore.
그는 CEO에게 업무에 지쳐서 더 이상 최선을 다할 수 없다고 말했습니다.
After the Christmas holiday, the store employees were burned out from too much work.
크리스마스 연휴가 끝난 후 매장 직원들은 과도한 업무로 지쳐 있었습니다.
2. I feel you : I know exactly what you mean or how you feel 나는 당신의 마음을 (의미하는 바 또는 당신이 어떻게 느끼는지) 정확히 알고 있습니다
A: Ugh. Getting older is not easy. It seems like something always hurts!
으. 나이를 먹는 것은 쉽지 않아. 뭔가 항상 아픈 것 같아!
B: I feel you. Once I turned 50, I was always in pain..
니 맘 이해해. 50을 넘어가니까 항상 통증이 있어.
I feel you when you say it’s hard to survive on such low pay.
네가 그런 저임금으로 살기 힘들다고 말하는 게 공감이 돼.
3. stick with something/someone : to remain committed to something/someone ~을 계속(고수)하다, ~의 곁에 머물다
A: Johnny is starting saxophone lessons today. I’m excited for him.
Johnny는 오늘 색소폰 레슨을 시작해. 나는 그에게 기대가 돼.
B: Why do you think he’ll stick with it this time? He quit guitar lessons after a month.
왜 그가 이번에는 그 수업을 계속할 거라고 생각해? 그는 기타 레슨을 한 달 만에 그만뒀잖아.
We’re sticking with our current auto parts distributor, but we’ll call you if that changes.
우리는 현재 자동차 부품 유통업체(와의 거래)를 고수하고 있지만 변경 사항이 있으면 연락드리겠습니다.
■POWER Practice
1.많은 변호사들이 변호사 개업 첫 6개월 안애 피곤에 지칩니다(burned out)
A lot of lawyers get burned out in their first six months of practicing law.
2.네 마음 이해해, 쉴라는 너에게 그런 말을 하지 말았어야 했어. (I feel you)
I feel you. Shelia shouldn’t have said those things to you.
3.존은 여자친구가 정말 아팠을 때 계속 그녀 곁에 있어 줬다. (stick whith something/someone)
John stuck with his girlfriend when she got really sick.
[번외: 짐gym에서 운동하다가 지쳐서 질려버렸을 때, 어떤 운동을 하면 좋을까?]
When you get tired of working out at the gym, it's essential to find alternative ways to stay active and engaged in your fitness routine. Changing your workout environment and trying new activities can help keep things fresh and interesting. Here are some ideas for exercises and activities to do outside the gym:
Go for a jog or a brisk walk in your neighborhood, a nearby park, or along a scenic nature trail.Cycling: Ride a bike on city streets or through bike trails for a cardio workout that also allows you to take in the sights around you.
Swimming is a full-body workout that is easy on the joints. Head to a local pool, lake, or beach for a refreshing swim.
Bodyweight exercises:
You can perform bodyweight exercises like push-ups, squats, and planks anywhere, making them perfect for days when you can't make it to the gym.
Yoga not only helps keep you physically fit but also promotes mental wellbeing. Sign up for a yoga class or practice it from the comfort of your home using online tutorials.
Team sports:
Playing recreational sports like soccer, basketball, or ultimate frisbee can be a fun way to stay fit while socializing with others.
Dance classes:
Dance is an enjoyable and effective way to stay active. Try out different styles such as salsa, hip-hop, or ballroom to find a genre that best suits you.
Take advantage of nearby nature trails and parks to explore new routes and terrain while burning calories.
Rock climbing:
Indoor or outdoor rock climbing challenges your physical and mental strength and develops core and upper body strength.
Park workouts:
Many parks feature outdoor fitness equipment. Use these to create circuit workouts that combine cardio and strength training.
Remember that it's essential to listen to your body and make adjustments to your workout routine as needed. Also, be sure to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new exercise program, especially if you have any pre-existing health conditions or concerns.